Later we move inside and their daily life swirls around us
all, with both of them trying to orchestrate the kids plus ‘see’ to us as well
as get dinner ready. Friends of theirs drop by with some freshly
caught kingfish and settle in to the evening with us. They are easy and open to
talk to and I feel as if I’ve made new friends.
Gerry has always been the king of story telling and tonight
I am reminded why. Some of the time he
talks so fast I can hardly keep up, but then I hear just a few words to make me
remember a lifetime and I burst out laughing. Stories are recounted for the
benefit of others, but mostly for ourselves I suspect, to remind us of where
we’ve come from and what we share. We have to keep the memories alive and so we
help each other.
And all the while, Gerry keeps downing beers as he throws magnificent pizzas together, listening to the conversation of others before stepping in with a comment - sometimes outrageous, sometimes thoughtful, always entertaining. He is a brilliant man and I love absorbing the way his mind works. Once the kids are bathed and fed, Tania finds time to relax and enjoy the conversation too. It’s lovely to get to know her as this is only the second time we’ve met.
I enjoy that there is so much to say and hear and learn and laugh
about – a perfect night!
This theme continues the next day at the Rushforths for
lunch. (We certainly are being well fed!)
Initially, it seems as if we’re all
talking at once, so excited are we to see each other. But enough fragments of
conversations filter through so that we understand what we’re saying. The pop
of a champagne cork brings us to the reality of the day in a way that makes me
smile. I love that sound.
Once we change to still wine, conversation flows at a slightly steadier pace, although Ian
can’t help himself, providing an hilarious commentary that weaves and bubbles its way
through the afternoon. I am reminded not so much of old times but of
personalities: Ian and Deahne’s warmth as well as their intelligence and quick
minds; Ian’s rapid fire wit and wicked delight in playing with language and
ideas; Deahne’s cleverness and perception, her calm way of seeming to sail
through apparent chaos and bring a quiet order. Such fun to experience again. And to reacquaint
ourselves with Evie, almost 17, is a delight, especially to witness the way she
is like her parents but also independent.
We know we’re lucky to have such
friends, friends who make us feel comfortable and valued, and also rejuvenated. What a mix!
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